OOh my God.....punye la berat hati ni nk book in kat camp jap agi...
Dah lah my old MP3 batt die dah tk ok. Mesti when i use 1 or 2 jam mesti
die mati. I need to change my mindset fast if not i will suffer in NS.
I've yet to jalan raye with my friends. InsyaAllah next next week. haha..
Sabar je la wan yeee. Tunggu agi 2 minggu.
Great news..I just ate Mega Mc Spicy just now for lunch...!! Wohooo...thats
great. Now i want to lose 5 more kg.
3 months and 1 week to POP.
OOh my God....i do not what feeling is this...feeling of happiness, sadness
all in 1...
Lost touch with the outside world after being enlisted for 3 weeks in NS.
What's the latest news in Singapore? In the world? What about my friends?
Its been tiring for the past 3 weeks. I'm getting a firm grip to the training there.
I've learn many valueble lessons there. InsyaAllah i will become a better person.
A better person in appreciating life.
Now my legs are all cramp. Especially my calf. OOO my....it hurts especially early
in the morning.
Anw talk about my future. Tmr i have a test...!! Sounds interesting right?? Yess
of course if only you have studied. But the interesting thing is that i have not
study for the test..haahaha....!!!!!!! How can i squeeze all the infomation into
my head within 1 hour. I'm sleepy right now.
But what to do need to study.
Ya Allah you know what i want.....I put the trust on You....You know what
is best and what is bad for me...
10 days past for the first week of NS. I really feel tired. There is a lot
of stories to tell.
Raya is 1 day away. And i do not feel any excitement of Hari Raya.
Can it get any worse...?? Hanya padaMu aku berdoa..
Its really important that there is someone to lead. A capable leader.
A leader which is being respected not because of his status but
because of his ability to lead. Lead with knowledge and wisdom.
MasyaAllah.. That is y the first few quranic revelation is Surah Iqra'.
I really now starting to understand the hikmah behind it.
The only thing that can change your life is knowledge. So people and urge
myself do invest in on gaining more knowledge. Knowledge which is
I cannot sleep but i desperately need to sleep....i just can't figure out
how to change my sleeping patern within these 2 days before going to NS.
6 more days to NS...........!!!!!