I had a dream early in the morning. That dream make me feel down at the same
time make me re think back. Oh God why do i dream bout that.
I will try not to think about that dream too much because i know it is just
a dream. A emotional dream for me. What is your purpose in this world? Just
remember that wan.
Today i will be booking in. Just too many things to study and too many homework
to be done. I need to use my time wisely in the camp. Madrasah exam is just around
the corner. To be exact in 3 weeks time. And i have not done any revision. Someone
said to me why i have not revise? Then i think back..Why eh?? I can give a million
reasons. But i shall not find any reason coz this is not my style. Cey mcm paham
je aku ni. In short, MP eh.... hehe :P
People said that when you enter NS your mind will stop thinking.
Is that true? Maybe yes. Coz right now i just do not want to think
anything. How can this happen wan. I need to change it. I do not want
to waste my 2 years in NS.
When you think you can do it then you will definitely make it to the
top. Provided that you push to your limit. Do i push myself wan???
That is the question that keeps bothering me. I think i'm just too
lazy. But i want to start reminding myself that i will live in this
world not more than 100 years. How short can it be?? Errm.
But i just want to enjoy myself. I mean when i book out, go out with
my friends and not go to classes. Sat and sun morning. But wan if you
think you want to enjoy in this world then think back wan. What is the
reality wan? Will you live foever???
The truth is that i'm not ready to have any additional responsibilities.
But Riduwan remember this wan. You cannot think about yourself. There is
someone or maybe a few ppl depends on you. Rely on you to make a change.
To change me, myself and to change your surrounding. I'm a normal person
with too much sins.
Please Riduwan think back. Think. Think. Not think just about yourself.
One day you will carry one of the most important responsibility. That is
a son to my parents, a husband to my wife and father to my children.
Not to forget a brother to my younger brother.
Please show me the straight path.
Pabila ku jejak kaki ku di taman indah. Terdapat bunga mawar seluas lautan.
Tetapi entah mengapa sekuntum bunga mawar yang jauh kelihatan sungguh istimewa, menarik. Ia dapat memikat hati kecil ku. Aku ingin sekali memetik sekuntum bunga mawar yang begitu indah. Namun aku dipisahkan oleh sebatang sungai yang agak deras.
Bagaimanakah ku ingin memetik sekuntum bunga mawar di sana? Aku tidak berdaya
untuk berenang melintasi air yang agak deras dan dalam. Aku hanya berbekalkan kapak. Patutkah aku membina sampan? Supaya dapat ku merintasi sungai itu?
Sekarang aku ingin membina sampan yang utuh supaya aku dapat merintasi sungai dan
memetik sekuntum bunga mawar yang kelihat sungguh indah dimata ku. Namun persoalannya. Berapa lamakah aku dapat menyiapkan sampan itu???? Aku hanya berusaha
dan tawakal pada Ilahi.
I express my feeling through this sajak. Hope you enjoy it.
If you enjoy doing what you do. You will do things with passion. When passion
comes you will do your very best in what you do.
I'm trying to enjoy what i do.
I realise some important points that i can learn in my life.
In order for you to become a leader you need to take it seriously. That is
essential. You need to be responsible and competent enough to become a leader.
You need to be the role model under you. If you as a leader made mistake admit
it and improve on it. If under you made mistake tell them.
I reflect back the years that i became a leader. I just realise that i still
have many areas to improve on. Too many.
I'm adapted to my NS life. Alhamdulilaah. I just do not know what to blog
during my NS life. Coz there are too many exciting things happen in 5 days. So
its really been hard. But yes for now the only exercise that make me suffer is
jogging. hahaha. If only i enjoy jogging? How can i start enjoy jogging? Any
Today i will rest my body. No exercise. Recovery stage. Hahaha mcm paham je aku
ni. Recovery ke atau malas nk jogging. Whahahaha.
Apakah tujuan hidup di dunia ini? Adakah untuk menagih cinta dari seorang
insan? Atau tujuan untuk menikmati nikmat-nikmat yang ada di dunia ini?
Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku telah diseliputi oleh jerubu yang telah menjejas
penglihatan ku ini.
Later i will book in. I will definitely miss the time spent with ~~~. But this is life. You will not get what you want. You only will get what you need. Only Allah
knows. I can only pray.
Ok aku nk kene gi jalan raye. Tros gi camp...Byeee people....see you next week
and wait for my updates...hehehe....
Mcm laa popular blog aku ni ade orang nk bace..Wahahahah...!!
Sebelum ku menyelam dalam ke lubuk hati mu. Aku berfikir. Patutkah ku
berbuat demikian. Kerna ku tidak mahu perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku.
Perjalanan hidup ku masih jauh. Jalan hidup nya lagi jauh. Aku tidak
mahu perasaannya diseliputi kasih dan sayang antara kami berdua. Dia akan
bertemu ramai jejaka pabila dia berada di sana. Jejaka idamannya.
Aku tidak mahu menunggu cinta yang tidak terbalas. Namun ku sanggup
tunggu walaupun ia mengambil masa yang lama. Ia mengambil masa untuk ku
tahu siapa kah dia sebenarnya. Ia mengambil masa. Mungkin masa yang begitu
lama. Namun kini kehadiran ku tidak mahu membebankannya. Kerana jauh lagi
perjalanan yang harus ditempuhi. Ku hanya berdoa kepada Yang Maha Esa. Supaya
memiliki yang sempurna.
Just revising my last minute exam just now. Yesterday just returned from camp.
I thought i lose at least 1 kg. But i nvr lose any weight. :( aiyoooooooo.
I really can't wait class to start at NS. I can start to study and take test. yes.
I miss studying.
This week NS is very tiring. I do not know why. But i know my whole body is aching.
I need to buy MP3.....!! Start listening to music and radio. I really lost touch
with the world outside. Seriously. Yesterday when i book out from my camp i tab
my ez link as usual. Then there is an error. I paid my bus fare using coins. After
paying my bus fare i saw this note. Exchanging of ez link, 30 september 2009.
OMG. Its already 2nd oct. How can i miss that.
Ok sekarang aku nk gi carik makan kat dapur kerana perut ku ini telah bermain
irama yang begitu merdu sekali. Irama yang selalu ku dgr pabila ia kekosongan.